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Lessons from wolves

For decades, scientists have been following a population of wolves on Isle Royale that has served as a model system for the study of the evolution and genetics of small, isolated populations. Isle Royale is a remote island in Lake Superior, USA, and wolves first arrived via an ice bridge from Canada in the 1940's. They found a healthy population of moose and no other predators, and their numbers grew. Over the years, the populations of the wolves and moose cycled in the dynamics of predator and prey.

A call for preservation breeding

By Carol Beuchat PhD
In the last two decades, there has been increased awareness of the value of domestic animal breeds as genetic resources that need to be managed and preserved to ensure their longterm survival and usefulness. The concern for this began when livestock breeding started being done on an industrial scale using modern technologies like embryo transfer and genomic selection.

The Sheepdog and Me – Teen Sheepdog Stars Contest!

We are expecting stories of devoted young sheepdog owners who are intended to become breeders and experts any of the sheepdog breeds when adult. The preference is a one-page long short version of your story. How you met first with sheepdogs and which breed, how you made friends and who/what inspires you to enter the sheepdog world as a professional, etc. Please, attach photo gallery and/or video to reinforce your argumentation.